Promote your organization's products & services to the highly qualified audience at Ports® '25!
To discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact Sean Scully at (703) 295-6154.
Download the Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus Now
Sponsorship Levels
Five levels of sponsorship are available for Ports® '25 - platinum, gold, silver, bronze, and copper. All sponsors at each level will be recognized at all the events listed. For instance, all platinum level sponsors will be recognized at the Ports® '25 Ice Breaker Welcome Reception and the Ports® '25 Evening Gala. Sponsors and exhibitors can add any of the Add-On Opportunities onto their package.
Premier – $20,000 and up
We will create a custom sponsorship package for you depending on what marketing exposure you are looking to receive. Work with one of our expert sales associates to put together the package that you desire. This sponsorship level includes a corner exhibit booth location and exposure at platinum-level events. Please contact Sean Scully to start building your package today!
Platinum – $10,000
- Ports® '25 Ice Breaker Welcome Reception
Make a big impression by sponsoring one of the premier social events of the conference. This networking event will take place the evening of Sunday, June 1, 2025 and will provide a first class setting for attendees to become familiar with your products by visiting your exhibit. This networking event is also a great way to reconnect with colleagues, mingle and meet new associates. This great networking opportunity kicks-off the Ports® '25, so you won’t want to miss out. - Ports® '25 Evening Gala
This platinum level sponsorship prominently promotes your company as the sponsor of the Ports® '25 Evening Gala on Tuesday, June 3, 2025. The Ports® '25 Evening Gala is an upscale, dressy event and provides a smart way to align your company with your clients. It is the highest profile event of the conference and is an excellent networking and exposure opportunity.
Gold – $7,500
- Awards Luncheon
A longtime favorite of Ports® '25 attendees; your gold sponsorship allows your company to gain exposure and show your support for awardees being recognized for their contributions in the ports and harbors industry.
- Exhibit Hall Luncheons
Exhibit Hall luncheons are high-traffic events and are ideal for companies who are also exhibitors. These gold sponsorships promote your company throughout the duration of the luncheon and add to your overall exposure.
Silver – $5,000
- Speaker/Moderator Meet and Greet
Sponsoring this speaker networking events is a great way to gain direct exposure for your company and to liaise with experts in the ports and harbors industry - Refreshment Breaks
Start the day off right by affixing your branded logo on the morning coffee or afternoon snack break supplied to all participants. All coffee breaks will be served in the exhibit hall to allow mingling time during the break period.
Bronze – $3,000
- Student Professional Development Event
Support the future of the ports and harbors profession as a sponsor of this unique event which gives your company the opportunity to network with both educators and students.
Add-On Opportunities
The following opportunities are available to all sponsors and exhibitors on a first-come, first-served basis:
Wireless Internet Access (exclusive): $10,000
Wi-Fi at events is no longer a ‘nice to have’ commodity. Reliable Wi-Fi is a critical must-have productivity tool. Prominently locate your company’s name as the conference’s internet access provider. This opportunity ensures maximum daily exposure to all conference attendees.
Conference Registration Bag (exclusive): $10,000 - Sponsored by Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP
Place your branded logo in the hands of all the conference participants by sponsoring the conference registration bag. This sponsorship includes a full-page ad in the conference program.
Mobile Application (exclusive): $7,500 - Sponsored by Collins Engineers
The mobile app is the most used source for attendees to find detailed conference agenda information. Your company can purchase the landing page to the app, which will be seen when the user logs in. This sponsorship includes a half-page ad in the conference program.
Water Bottle Sponsor (exclusive): $5,000 - Sponsored by KPFF
As part of our sustainability effort, this dishwasher safe water bottle is made from sugarcane. With each bottle purchased a bottle of water is donated to a child in Africa.
Professional Headshot Hub (exclusive): $6,000
A professional photographer will provide headshots for conference attendees at a select day/time at no cost to the attendee.
Conference Lanyards (exclusive): $5,000 - Sponsored by WSP
Lanyards are the must-have accessory at the conference. Lanyards offer a way to display your logo while holding their badge, business cards, etc., throughout the conference.
Conference Hotel Key Cards (exclusive): $5,000 - Sponsored by Moffatt & Nichol
Your logo on the hotel key card will be an amazing way to gain the first exposure to the conference attendees. Logo hotel key cards will be given to all guests in the rooming block at the conference host hotel.
Banner Hang: $5,000 each / or two for $9,000
We will hang your 10' x 10' banner prominently from the ceiling at the convention center on the "landing" between floors. This unique promotion showcases your company’s brand to all attendees in high traffic areas.
(Two exclusive locations are available)
Escalator Cling: $5,000 up escalator - $4,000 down escalator
Enjoy a prominent visual presence at the conference with a branded escalator cling. This distinctive promotion showcases your company’s brand in high traffic areas.
(Two exclusive locations are available)
Young Professional Happy Hour - $4,000 (2 Available)
- Sponsored by HDR
In-Room Nightly Amenity: $3,000 each
Relay a personalized company message to conference attendees at the end of their busy day! ASCE will work with you to create just the right thought and presentation. Sponsoring company is responsible for the purchase of a small gift to accompany the nightly amenity. One exclusive sponsorship is available per night. This opportunity is for guests registered in the Omni Hotel's conference rooming block.
(One opportunity is available for Sunday, Monday or Tuesday night)
Window / Wall Cling: $3,000 each
Let attendees look up at your company promotion with a wall or window cling installed in a prominent location which overlooks a high-traffic conference area. (Multiple locations are available)
- Sponsored by Reid Middleton
- Sponsored by GHD
Registration & Exhibit Hall Floor Cling (exclusive): $3,000
Place your logo in the area attendees approach first — registration! This sponsorship allows for one company to place 10 floor clings throughout the registration and exhibit hall area. Cling placement will be determined onsite by show management.
Student & Young Professional T-Shirt Giveaway (exclusive): $3,000 - No Longer Available
Place your logo in on a high-quality Ports t-shirt given away to the 1st 100 students and young professionals
Laser Pen: $2,500 (exclusive) - Sponsored by Appledore Marine.
Provided to each of the conference speakers with the sponsor's name on the laser pen. The sponsoring company is responsible for providing the laser pen for the giveaway.
Conference Survey: $2,000 (exclusive) - Sponsored by GEI Consultants
Water Bubblers: $1,500 (exclusive) - Sponsored by Marine Solutions
Water bubblers will be conveniently placed throughout the conference public areas with your logo affixed to them.
Pre-Conference Short Courses: $1,000 each
Sponsor one of the Ports® '25 Conference Short Courses to spotlight your company in a focused segment of the industry. Be recognized on the marketing materials and opening slide and put your promotional materials on the chairs.
(Multiple short courses are available)
- - Sponsored by GEI Consultant
Prize Giveaways: $1,000 each
Sponsor a prize giveaway to generate special “buzz” for your company at an event or activity that your company is sponsoring! Randomly selected registrants will receive a prize during giveaways at predetermined events and activities. Sponsoring company is responsible for providing prize giveaway.
(Multiple opportunities are available)
Green Conference Initiative: $1,000 each
Show conference attendees that your company practices green initiative designs with climate positive solutions to address climate change, risks and market challenges using innovative engineering practices.
(Multiple opportunities are available)
- Sponsored by Liftech Consultants Inc.
Team Building Event: $1,000
Specialty Drink Menu at the Ice Breaker Welcome Reception: $500 each
Create and name a customized specialty drink to be include on the ice breaker welcome reception drink menu.
(Multiple opportunities are available)
- - Sponsored by Marine Solutions
Sponsorship Deadlines & Important Dates
Sponsors and exhibitors should note these important dates:
- Company logos should be received with signed contract.
- Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 50% due upon receipt of invoice, balance due by 1/15/25. After 1/15/25 full payment due upon receipt of invoice.
- Wednesday, March 19, 2025 - A (25) word description of your organization or products for inclusion in the printed final printed program.
- Wednesday, March 19, 2025 - Deadline for submitting an ad for the final printed program. (if applicable)
- Wednesday, April 2, 2025 - Full payment must be received to be included in the printed final program. (if applicable)
- Wednesday, May 7, 2025 - Eligible sponsors (premiere, platinum and gold) wishing to submit an item to be included inside the conference bag that is distributed at registration should mail their one promotional item to arrive no later than this date. Mailing address is: American Society of Civil Engineers, c/o Mark Gable, 11801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 20191.
Interested in becoming a Cooperating Organization?
Government agencies, universities, and non-profit organizations with an interest in Ports are invited to become Cooperating Organizations. There is no financial commitment or risk. The only requirement is to help publicize the conference to your constituents via your magazine, newsletter, and/or website. We also suggest that you provide the Planning Committee with your guidance and suggestions for potential short courses and session proposals. In return, the Conference will post your organization’s name and web link below and will list it in all subsequent printed promotional pieces.